The Rachid Karame International Fair in Tripoli ( Lebanon) was designed in the early 1960s by the architect Oscar Niemeyer as Lebanon’s international exhibition site.
Courage monument of the Brest fortress // Belarus
Courage monument of the Brest fortress // Belarus
Stars of brest Fortress // Belarus
Stars of brest Fortress // Belarus
9 May rehearsal in Brest Fortress // Belarus
9 May rehearsal in Brest Fortress // Belarus
Concrete under a midnight sun // Georgia
Concrete under a midnight sun // Georgia
Kyiv crematorium by architect Abraham Miletskiy // Ukraine
Kyiv crematorium by architect Abraham Miletskiy…
Astral shape made of concrete
Brutal Holiday Inn Beirut // Lebanon
Brutal Holiday Inn Beirut // Lebanon
The Battle of the Hotels was a subconflict within the 1975–77 phase of the Lebanese Civil War . Over 25,000 combatants fought for the control of a group of towering luxury hotels including the Holiday Inn in downtown Beirut.
From Dusk to Down // Buzludzha // Bulgaria
From Dusk to Down // Buzludzha // Bulgaria
The Egg // Beirut // Lebanon
The Egg // Beirut // Lebanon
The war-scarred structure is nowaday a symbol of the fight for preservation of the urban memory of the once war tornes city .
Monolith // Iraqi kurdistan
“It was the mark of a barbarian to destroy something one could not understand.”
― Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey