Somali’s smiles // Hargeisa // Somaliland
The many faces of Tbilisi // Georgia
The many faces of Tbilisi // Georgia
The sunny side up // Beirut // Lebanon
The sunny side up // Beirut // Lebanon
New microdisctict in the Outskirts of Minsk // Belarus
New microdisctict in the Outskirts of Minsk // Belarus
A classical view // China
A classical view
Follow me over the rainbow // Georgia
Follow me over the rainbow // The Bridge of Peace // Tbilisi // Georgia
Monochrome rainbow in the tokyo sky // Japan
Monochrome rainbow in the tokyo sky
Public Service Hall of Kvareli // Georgia
Public Service Hall of Kvareli // Georgia
Yerevan’s Kascad // Armenia
Yerevan’s Kascade // 1971-1980 // Architects Jim Torosyan, Aslan Mkhitaryan, Sargis Gurzadyan
Modern & PostModern & PostPostModern Batumi // Georgia
Experiment the postmodern condition while walking the black sea waterfront of sunny Batumi // Georgia