Started in 1985 under soviet regime, and still partially incomplete, the massive monument overlooks the caucasian city of Tbilisi . Composed of 30 meter tall columns, the georgian “stonehenge” features the stories of ancient queens, heroes and kings of the kingdom of sakartvelo while the bottom panels depict episodes from the life of the Christ.
Ночной дозор // Georgia
Ночной дозор
I definitly belong to the night patrol …
Modern & PostModern & PostPostModern Batumi // Georgia
Experiment the postmodern condition while walking the black sea waterfront of sunny Batumi // Georgia
Brutalist watermelon // Georgia
A very brutalist vision at the Dezerter Bazaar of tbilisi . Lada, watermelon and concrete …
Tbilissi under construction // Georgia
Tbilissi under construction …
Tbilissi concert hall/exhibition center // Tbilissi // Georgia // 2010 // Architect Massimiliano Fuksas
Too blue to be trust // Georgia
Too blue to be trust … Zhinvali lake // Georgia
Uncle Joe
Uncle Joe – La Dent de L’Oeil – Contemporary photography by Hélène Veilleux – #georgia #stalin #communism #soviet #cccp #history
The Church of the Holy Spirit // Georgia
The Church of the Holy Spirit ( სულიწმიდის The Church of the Holy Spirit ( სულიწმიდის კათოლიკური ეკლესი ) // Batumi // Georgia // 1990 // Architects Oleg Pataridze & Giorgi Baghoshvil