May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
May 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // BelarusMay 9 celebration in Minsk by its characters // Belarus
I am pleased to be invited by visionquest to exhibit my serie : 38E parallele nord
Hélène Veilleux “strolls” in one of the most closed city in the world: Pyongyang, North Korea ……..
and she gives back postcard images that look like propaganda posters typical of the communist-era , filled with that hostility typical of that architecture designed to belittle the individual and emphasize the strength of the collective.
The power of the state on public spaces, where architecture becomes a political statement; Pyongyang is the example of a “theater” city where every view and every move are designed and built to serve a “fiction state” and where every citizen has a specific role in this authoritarian “theater”.
Not being able to have access to the reality of the country, Hélène Veilleux, decides to concentrate the project of her photographs on a simple idea: what a country decides to show says a lot about what this country wants to hide.
Aided by the toned images through the use of a rosy filter, which gives them a sense of almost exaggerated sweetness, and embellished with clouds that look like cotton candy, these urban landscapes, with no or few people present, make us question what’s behind the long clean boulevards, the great monuments and brand new buildings, the large statues of the always smiling leaders: these are the questions that arise from silent 38E Parallel North.
Народилася 1978 року, довгий час жила і працювала в Ліоні, Франція. Зараз мешкає у Тбілісі, Грузія. У своїх роботах досліджує гетеротопічні простори, від дивної Північної Кореї до радіоактивних руїн Чорнобиля.