On 21 September 1991, Armenia officially declared its independence from Soviet Union after the failed August coup in Moscow
Brutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet ArmeniaBrutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet Armenia - La Dent de L'Oeil - Contemporary photography by Hélène Veilleux - #armenia #yerevan #soviet #sovietarchitectureBrutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet Armenia - La Dent de L'Oeil - Contemporary photography by Hélène Veilleux - #armenia #yerevan #soviet #sovietarchitecture
Brutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet ArmeniaBrutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet Armenia - La Dent de L'Oeil - Contemporary photography by Hélène Veilleux - #armenia #yerevan #soviet #sovietarchitectureBrutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet Armenia - La Dent de L'Oeil - Contemporary photography by Hélène Veilleux - #armenia #yerevan #soviet #sovietarchitecture
Brutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet ArmeniaBrutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet Armenia - La Dent de L'Oeil - Contemporary photography by Hélène Veilleux - #armenia #yerevan #soviet #sovietarchitectureBrutal history : Monument to the 50th anniversary of Soviet Armenia - La Dent de L'Oeil - Contemporary photography by Hélène Veilleux - #armenia #yerevan #soviet #sovietarchitecture
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