Scars of Yugoslavia’s NATO bombing – the Ministry of Defense building bombed on 30 April 1999 // Belgrade // Serbia
Up ! // Iran
Up ! Residential buildings in Tehran // Iran
Sarajevo 84 // Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo 84
The remains of Sarajevo’s 1984 Winter Olympics Bobsleigh and Luge track , once part of the battlegrounds of the Bosnian War, are now reclaim by Nature.
Fear and loathing in Tirana // Albania
Fear and loathing in Tirana.
The surreal pyramid-shaped monment , Formerly known as the “Enver Hoxha Museum”, was designed by the daughter and son-in-law of the late communist leader Enver Hoxha a museum about his legacy.
La Radieuse Cité by Le Corbusier // France
La Radieuse Cité by Le Corbusier // Marseille // France
Can you see the music ? @ Couvent Sainte-Marie de La Tourette / / France
Can you see the music ? @ Couvent Sainte-Marie de La Tourette
~ Wave sections designed by the architect mathematician and musician Iannis Xenakis
Defenders of Stara Zagora // Bulgaria
Defenders of Stara Zagora // Mемориален комплекс Бранителите на Стара Загора от // Stara Zagora // Bulgaria // 1977 // Sculptor: Kroum Damianov
Hillock of Fraternity // Bulgaria
Hillock of Fraternity // 1974 // Plovdiv // Пловдив // Bulgaria